Sunday, March 22, 2009

Let me Introduce myself

Hi, my name is Kimberly and I am a stay at home mom (SAHM) and homeschooling mother of 1 left at home. My daughter has some special needs, learning differences and ADHD. We chose to treat her through prayer and diet and nutrition as well as eye therapy (this is new) and anything else that we find helpful. We have been blessed with success. I hope to help other mom's with special needs children. We began our journey by starting the Feingold Diet. We have since had her evaluated by a nutritionist and have made changes to her diet in addition to those we learned on the Feingold diet. We only feed her organic meat and as much organic everything else as we can.

I have been amazed at the miraculous changes a diet can make. I know many people think I am crazy or somehow depriving my child because she can't eat the birthday cake from the grocery store. We have found this journey to be well worth the funny looks or rude comments we sometimes get. I enjoy learning how to make healthy tasty meals my family will enjoy.

I am new to blogging and am excited to share this mother's journey while I continue learning through living.

If anyone out there has similar issues or interests I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by and getting to know a little bit about me and my family!

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